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Rejoice in Hope

March 26, 2020
Posted in Hope
March 26, 2020 lcimdet_p32lv7

Romans 12:12 (ESV)

The last thing on most of our minds right now is rejoicing.

We are stuck at home.

We are grieving the loss of a beloved brother.

We are disappointed.

Cable, Netflix and social media now cease to entertain.

Our children are bored and do not fully comprehend what is happening.

We are not impressed with how this crisis is being handled.

We miss our freedom to do as we please.

It is in times like these our relationship with Jesus should distinguish us. When everyone else is in despair, we should be people marked by gladness because of the hope we have in Christ. Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God in the earth and while we live in the tension of the already but not yet Kingdom, we know that one day, the Kingdom will come it its fullness. We do not know the day or hour but we are certain that it will happen so it is reason enough to rejoice today and every day despite what is transpiring around us.

We cannot ignore or escape current conditions but we can be patient in the midst of them, knowing that God is on the throne, sovereign over all the activity of the earth. Even in these times, God is sustaining us, protecting us, providing for us, comforting us, loving us, inviting us closer and deeper in intimacy and dependence on him. Receive and respond to his invitation. Draw near to him and he will draw near to you.

It is easy to get sucked into idleness while confined to our homes but there is a more fruitful use of our time – prayer. The Apostle Paul encourages us to be constant in prayer and what better time than now to refresh or increase your prayer life. The prayers of the righteous have great power so let us put our collective power to use during these challenging times, expecting a mighty move of the Spirit in the earth!

Thank you Lord that even in times like these, we can rejoice because of the confident hope we have in you! We command hope to arise and despair to be bound in the lives of your people as we mediate upon what you accomplished for us through your death, resurrection and ascension. Make us attentive and responsive to what you are doing in this season. We trust you and our confidence is in you. Heaven come!

Question: In the midst of this global crisis, how has God given you hope? How can you share that hope with others?

Minister Marja Farrow


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